Sunday, July 18, 2010

69 days and counting

This is my running coach Ernie helping me celebrate after finishing 15 miles. He has been a terrific help to me. He designed the program I followed for the half training and the one I am doing now for the full. Plus he is always there to answer questions. He is a great help.
It has been an interesting week. For the first time in 13 years David and have been alone for the week. Chandler has adjusted really well and I think he is enjoying his time away. He will be gone one more week. School will be starting before we know it.

I started off the week strong. Monday David helped me pick out a hill to start incorporating to get in some hill training. Did my 5 miles and enjoyed it. On Tuesday I decided to go out to the gym and run the trail to get in some trail running before the 5k XC this week. I didn't think I would enjoy trail running but I did end up enjoying it very much and set a pretty good time.

Wednesday I start feeling a little uneasy and dizzy and then my ear started hurting and I knew what was going on, sinus infection. By Wednesday evening I was so uneasy on my feet I was afraid to drive so Thursday I stayed home and David drove me to the Dr. I love the fact that my Dr knows me so well and knows how important running is to me. She gave me two shots and a prescription. I took Wednesday and Thursday off hoping I would be ready for the 16 on Saturday.

Saturday's 16 miles was probably my most interesting run ever. I woke up to lightening, I have always said lightening is an acceptable excuse not to run. I texted Cherri and she was thinking we needed to still meet and see how it was so at 5:30 we were at the church near the Horse Park. Everyone who was there convinced me that it was heat lightening and ok to run in so off we went. We were having a pretty good run and a spectacular light show when all of a sudden it started getting darker and Cherri said she saw lightening bolting down to the ground. We hightailed it to shelter and called our other running buddy Chris to come get us. After about a 30 minute spectacular thunderstorm we went back to the church to fill up my water bottles and started off again. Cherri did another mile and a half with Chris and I before she turned back and Chris and I went on. We had a good run, the horses were out watching us and it was really enjoyable. When we got stopped by the storm I turned off my garmin not thinking that when I turned it back on it wouldn't remember where I was so I had to start at 0. I knew I had done about 6.5 before I turned it off so I did the math in my head(will never do that again) and decided I needed to do 8.5 to get in 16. I am sure all of you can add better than me and realize that was only 15. When I got back to the church Ernie and some others were there and as I was telling them I realized it only added to 15. I was really bummed. I had so psysched myself up for the 16 that I felt like I had failed. Everyone kept telling me it was ok but it didn't feel like it. When I got in the car and called David I got to crying I was so disappointed so he said come home and do a mile so that is what I did. I got home, didn't even go in the house just started running and got in a mile to make my 16, whoo hooo. I am so proud of myself. It only takes 10 more to do a marathon and I know I can do it. I am not to sure about meeting my goal time but I know I will finish.

The rest of the weekend has been nice. I did some much needed house cleaning and enjoyed some time with my hubby. I think he feels like he is married to a new woman. Last night I was eating cauliflower and liking it and tonight I ate cucumbers and enjoyed them. Those are two things I would not have ever eaten before.

I am excited about the week ahead. I hope to get in some good runs on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday I am doing the Johns Run and Walk shop XC 5k. Next Saturday's run is a 12 miler and then Chandler comes home.

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