Several of you have heard me say that my new favorite word is taper. The hard work is done, now I just need to maintain my fitness level and allow my body to recover to put in a good run in less than 2 weeks.
It's been a good week. One thing I have done differently this training period from the Lexington Half is not be such a slave to the schedule. It has taken some help from my running buddy Cherri and it's not easy for me. Monday was Labor day and we were traveling home from the family reunion. I think the combination of the stress of worrying about my final 20 and the reunion, the not sleeping good in a strange bed and the not eating like I would normally eat, all ganged up on me and as we were driving home Monday I was ill. When we got home Monday night I took it easy and gave myself the night off.
Woke up Tuesday feeling better and so off I went Tuesday for the 5 miles I was supposed to do Monday. Stayed in the neighborhood and didn't push it. I did about half of my hill route and half of my speed route and had a really good run. There was one point in the run where I really felt good. It felt like I had perfect form and was just breezing along. I even thought to myself now this is what running is supposed to feel like.
Wednesday night is the run clinic at John's. Cherri had a family committment but Chandler decided to go with me. As usual it was really good and I really enjoyed it. Chandler did pretty good considering he hasn't done much running and he says he wants to go back with me next week.
Thursday was the long run of the week, 7 miles. Had a nice run around Georgetown, thru the cemtery, uptown and all around. During this training period and all these miles I have really seen alot of Georgetown up close.
Friday was rest day AND new shoes day. I had been hoping to get new shoes before the big race and Friday night I was finally able to make it to John's. Good news was the guy there said that from the wear and tear on my old shoes it looked like I don't have any bad running habits. Enjoyed a nice dinner out with my guys and then some shopping.
Saturday David had to work so Cherri met me here in Georgetown and we did 12 miles together. We did the new run I have been doing that includes the long hill out on the bypass and had a pretty good run. I wore my new shoes and about mile 8 they began to bother me a little and by the end were bothering me alot but hopefully I can get them worn some more so they will be ok for the race. The rest of the day Saturday was shopping for the Keeneland sale for the farm.
Sunday morning I got up and met some of the Striders at John's for a run to see the Horse Mania horses. (Lexington has an art project this summer for the equestrian games where local artists took life size horses and painted/decorated them to display around town.) It was a great run. It took up about and hour and a half to do a little over 3 miles so we weren't getting in a hurry. I don't know how many horses we stopped and looked at but it was fun. It was really nice to run just for fun, not worrying about pace or distance or anything except enjoying the morning, the scenery and the company. In the afternoon I went with the scouts to the new Legacy trail and did a 15 mile bike ride. There are two different merit badges it can be counted towards. It was a really nice afternoon. Love the trail. It was a little crowded, being opening day and some people were not very nice but all in all I had a great time.
You are going to do great! You know you are prepared.