Sunday, July 25, 2010

7 weeks done

7 weeks down and 9 to go. Almost half way there. Runners World had a great daily quote this week - "You have a choice. You can throw in the towel, or you can use it to wipe the sweat off of your face" Since I started running there have been a couple of times that I have been close to throwing in the towel while I have been running. When this happens I try to think about why I am running and do I want to quit because I am really hurting or is just laziness. So far it has always been because of laziness and I have used the towel to wipe my face and kept going. It feels good when you keep going and finish even though you didn't think you could.

This week of runs did not start off well. Monday was warm so I was trying to wait till about 8 to run when it would have cooled off. About 7 David said it was getting dark already and then I heard the thunder. I got into my running gear real quick and started off but I only got in a little over 2 miles before I saw the lightening coming straight out of the sky and that was my cue to go home. We got a real old fashioned thunder storm, I figured it would pass and I would be able to finish but mother nature had other ideas and I was done for the night. 2.1 is better than nothing is what I am telling myself.

Tuesday night David and I headed to the gym. I was trying to decide if I wanted to run outside or on the track when mother nature again interfered. Just about the time we pulled into the parking lot the skies opened up and it flat out pored rain. We waited in the car till it let up a little and I went and did 4 miles on the track. It ended up being a really good run. Got some speed work in and I felt really strong when I was done.

The John's XC 5K was Wednesday night in Versailles. I have done one other race over grass and I knew I was not real crazy about it but since John's sponsors the running group I run with and I knew there would be people from the group there I wanted to go do it. I had talked Cherri into doing it with me, as I have said she hates the heat and it was just a tad warm(others said it was out and out hot) and the course was hilly. (As my friend Marty said, if I say it is hilly it must be hilly because I like hills.) I didn't set as good a time as I had hoped I would but I did ok and ended up 4th in the age group. Didn't win even one door prize but they did throw some stuff to the audience and I snagged two pairs of socks and David snagged a tshirt(my size). My other prize was my first blister from running. Not a bad one but it did hurt a little. Afterwards we went to Subway with Rick and Cherri to enjoy some sub sandwiches. Ran into two other runners there and we had a good time eating and talking.

Thursday's run was at the horse park with Cherri and Marty. Did 4 miles and felt really good. When I took my first steps I realized my legs were a little tight and I figure that is the result of run on the grass the night before working my legs in new ways.

Saturday dawned warm and dark, 5:30 am is early to start running but if you want to beat the heat that's what you do. Cherri, Marty, Chris and I met at the Horse Park and started off. Cherri wanted to do 7 and Chris and Marty were just going to see how the felt. We hadn't gone very far when I realized I hadn't finished filling my water bottles up, darn!!! I have been filling the bottles about half way the night before and freezing them and then filling the rest of the way in the morning. So all I had was the half that was frozen. I didn't want to make everyone go back so I was trying to ration out my fluid but I began to get thirsty. I started watching the barns, usually there is water spigots but you might know I couldn't find one. As we went by the stadium I did find a water fountain so I was able to fill up my bottle and get a good drink. Really helped. When we got back to the church, I filled up my bottles, said goodbye to Cherri and Chris, Marty and I headed out again. They had thought they would do 10 but when it was time to turn around they were feeling strong and they ended up doing the whole 12 with me. Good friends are one's who show up at 5:30am and run with you.

When I got home my wonderful hubby had us omelettes for breakfast and then we headed to Chattanooga to bring Chandler home. I think he had a good time with my family the last two weeks but is glad to be home.

So another week gone, this week I up the miles on Wednesday to 8 and this coming Saturday there is 18 on the schedule. I am a little nervous but I keep telling myself that I have done 16 I can do 18. Let you know next week how it goes.

till next week

No great finds this week.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

69 days and counting

This is my running coach Ernie helping me celebrate after finishing 15 miles. He has been a terrific help to me. He designed the program I followed for the half training and the one I am doing now for the full. Plus he is always there to answer questions. He is a great help.
It has been an interesting week. For the first time in 13 years David and have been alone for the week. Chandler has adjusted really well and I think he is enjoying his time away. He will be gone one more week. School will be starting before we know it.

I started off the week strong. Monday David helped me pick out a hill to start incorporating to get in some hill training. Did my 5 miles and enjoyed it. On Tuesday I decided to go out to the gym and run the trail to get in some trail running before the 5k XC this week. I didn't think I would enjoy trail running but I did end up enjoying it very much and set a pretty good time.

Wednesday I start feeling a little uneasy and dizzy and then my ear started hurting and I knew what was going on, sinus infection. By Wednesday evening I was so uneasy on my feet I was afraid to drive so Thursday I stayed home and David drove me to the Dr. I love the fact that my Dr knows me so well and knows how important running is to me. She gave me two shots and a prescription. I took Wednesday and Thursday off hoping I would be ready for the 16 on Saturday.

Saturday's 16 miles was probably my most interesting run ever. I woke up to lightening, I have always said lightening is an acceptable excuse not to run. I texted Cherri and she was thinking we needed to still meet and see how it was so at 5:30 we were at the church near the Horse Park. Everyone who was there convinced me that it was heat lightening and ok to run in so off we went. We were having a pretty good run and a spectacular light show when all of a sudden it started getting darker and Cherri said she saw lightening bolting down to the ground. We hightailed it to shelter and called our other running buddy Chris to come get us. After about a 30 minute spectacular thunderstorm we went back to the church to fill up my water bottles and started off again. Cherri did another mile and a half with Chris and I before she turned back and Chris and I went on. We had a good run, the horses were out watching us and it was really enjoyable. When we got stopped by the storm I turned off my garmin not thinking that when I turned it back on it wouldn't remember where I was so I had to start at 0. I knew I had done about 6.5 before I turned it off so I did the math in my head(will never do that again) and decided I needed to do 8.5 to get in 16. I am sure all of you can add better than me and realize that was only 15. When I got back to the church Ernie and some others were there and as I was telling them I realized it only added to 15. I was really bummed. I had so psysched myself up for the 16 that I felt like I had failed. Everyone kept telling me it was ok but it didn't feel like it. When I got in the car and called David I got to crying I was so disappointed so he said come home and do a mile so that is what I did. I got home, didn't even go in the house just started running and got in a mile to make my 16, whoo hooo. I am so proud of myself. It only takes 10 more to do a marathon and I know I can do it. I am not to sure about meeting my goal time but I know I will finish.

The rest of the weekend has been nice. I did some much needed house cleaning and enjoyed some time with my hubby. I think he feels like he is married to a new woman. Last night I was eating cauliflower and liking it and tonight I ate cucumbers and enjoyed them. Those are two things I would not have ever eaten before.

I am excited about the week ahead. I hope to get in some good runs on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday I am doing the Johns Run and Walk shop XC 5k. Next Saturday's run is a 12 miler and then Chandler comes home.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

1/3 of the way there or 76 days to go

This is Chase Mullins and myself before the Bluegrass 10,000. I was working for his parents when he was born and I have watched him grow into a fine young man, even baby sat for him a time or two when he was younger. Makes me feel old to see him now but I am really proud to know him and his sister, Dara. It was fun running with him. PS - I don't think his mom knew me when she first saw me.

This was a good week of running. Monday I did 5 miles in the neighborhood. Tuesday Chandler wanted to go to the gym so he and I went out to the gym. While he was shooting baskts I did 4 miles on the track and worked in some speed work, had a good run. Then finished off with a strength workout.

Wednesday I met Chris and Marty, from the Striders, at the Horse Park and got in 7 miles. It was a little warm but we had a good run. Thursday was Chandler's 13th birtday. Oh my gosh, I have a teenager. I splurged and enjoyed a piece of his ice cream cake, it was soooo good. Then I met Marty and Cherri at John's and got in an easy 4. It was really interesting. I thought the weather was gorgeous, it cooled off a little bit and I was loving it but Cherri and Marty both complained about it being to warm. I have decided runners are divided into two groups, those who like running in the warm weather and those who like running the cool weather. When I am cold Cherri is loving it and when she is warm I am loving it. Makes for some interesting runs for us.

Friday was an off day, since it was Chandler's birthday on Thursday he got to choose where we went to eat and his choice was Jalapeno's. We had a good meal and went to the mall for some shopping before heading home to finish packing him up.

Saturday I did something I would have never thought I was capable of doing. I got up and started off for a run in the dark. Anyone who knows me very well knows I am grade a chicken and it took everything I had to make myself go out in the dark and start running. I ran 2 miles over to Western Elementary where I met Cherri. We then got in 6 together before she had to take off and I got 4 more in. After I was finished I jumped in a shower and got ready, we drove down to Chattanooga and met my mom. Chandler went home with her for the next two weeks. This is the longest we have been apart and though I know it is good for both of us I do miss him.

Training note for the week - I have been worrying about my water intake so since I had weighed before I left I weighed as soon as I got back and I had sweated off 2.4 pds. I was really wiped out when I was done and David and I think I am not getting enough water. I am going to have to plan to drink more. SOOO week 5 is in the books, I am on a 16 week program that makes me almost 1/3 of the way to the marathon. I have 16 miles on the schedule for next Saturday and I am really pretty nervous about it. Let you know next week how it went.


My running finds:

cordless drill

lug nut
8 silly bandz
a total of 53 cents

Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July - Week four in the books

It is the 4th of July in 2010. I love the 4th. I love this country and all it stands for, we have problems but what country doesn't?

I had a pretty good week. I started off by saying goodbye to David and Chandler on Sunday afternoon. They went off to boy scout camp and left me alone for the week. I thought it sounded great, a whole week to myself. After the first night of sleeping alone I was ready for them to come home. The house was so quiet and it is hard to cook for one.

Monday it was still warm but my five miles went well. I did all my training runs this week in and around my neighborhood and I really enjoy running there. Tuesday it started cooling off and Tuesday and Wednesday were great runs. On Tuesday as I was running I found about 8 silly bandz for Chandler. Wednesday my legs were feeling a little fatigued and I intended to do an easy 11 minute per mile pace but when I got done I had done a 10:28. Didn't even feel like I was going that fast. I did try to walk during my walk time at a faster pace so I am sure that helped me improve my time. I am feeling really good that I can at least equal Oprah's time if I keep training this good. Thursday there was 4 miles on the schedule. My leg's were still feeling fatigued and I knew I was doing th 10k Saturday so I was trying to decide if I wanted to take the night off to rest up or go on when I realized the yard probably should be mowed, it wasn't bad but it would be Tuesday before David or Chandler could do it, so I mowed the yard for my exercise. We have an old push mower so it was a good workout.

Friday night I went to Shepherdsville for the closing of boy scout camp and to bring David and Chandler home. I had to drive in Louisville rush hour traffic to get there and that is NOT fun. By the time I got there my nerves were frazzled, I don't know how people do that every day. The camp is a really beautiful place and it seemed like they both really enjoyed themselves. By the time we got home and I got in bed it was midnight and I had a 5:30 wake up time for the 10k. But it was worth it, I think Chandler appreciated that I came.

Satuday morning was the Bluegrass 10,000 in Lexington. My running buddy Cherri and I had not yet managed to do a race together. After all the training we went through together for the half we couldn't get together in the crowd and ended up running seperately. We did the Krispy Kreme challenge but I was trying for a really good time and we didn't run that one together. For the Bluegrass I was determined to do it with her. She kept encouraging me to go on ahead and leave her behind but I had decided I was not going to worry about my time or pace I was just going to have fun. I had heard from several of the striders that this was a fun race and they were right. The race starts in downtown and winds around town for a couple of miles before heading out Richmond Rd to the Shriners hospital where we turned around and came back downtown to finish. The course was beautiful and the crowd support was tremendous. We took our time and really enjoyed it. I was surprised how many people I saw that I knew. There was two men dressed as Buzz Lightyear and Woody from Toy Story, there were a couple of Uncle Sams and a fireman were some of the costumes I saw. Towards the end of the race there was a priest blessing us as we ran by. This was absolutely, hands down, my favorite race ever and helped calm my nerves about the marathon some.

Sunday I spent the day at the 4th of July celebration at Mammoth Cave which was a really fun time. Week four is done and now I start week 5.

Till next week


I am going to start a running total of my finds while running:


cordless drill


8 silly bandz

a total of 41 cents